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Workday Smart CIO


Client: Workday

Project Title: Smart CIO


Workday is an on-demand financial management and human capital software vendor.


Click2View was approached to create a quarterly digital magazine for Workday. The company wants the magazine to be a platform for sharing the latest insights and building a community among Chief Information Officers (CIOs) and aspiring-CIOs in Australia, New Zealand, and the Asia Pacific.

Through shining a spotlight on the CIOs in different businesses today, the newsletter aims to elevate the position of CIO from a technical one to a position of leadership and strategy.


We first came up with a structure for the magazine. As the quarterly is meant for CIOs, IT Directors or Managers who want to further their careers, we aim to tap on the experiences of prominent CIOs.

Therefore, the main feature of each issue is an interview-based profile of a successful CIO or CIOS. We conduct interviews with the prominent CIOs to uncover their personal story of growth and development, and the lessons they have learnt along the way. These interviews become the cover story of each issue.



The next regular segment is a column on cybersecurity from Bryce Boland, an information security executive professional with over 20 years of experience. This segment is useful for CIOs as it provides tips and strategies for protecting organisations from cyberattacks.



Each issue also includes an article on leadership contributed by an industry leader, a story on C-suite collaboration, and a CIO Q&A.

The magazine is distributed via Workday’s Digital Demand platforms and channels to 7,000 subscribers. It also leverages LinkedIn externally and through syndication.


The magazine is a huge success, with the first issue alone gaining over 5,000 subscribers.

The number of CIOs, CTOs and CDOs in Asia Pacific who want to join the Smart CIO community has been steadily increasing with every issue. In just 4 weeks from release, Smart CIO received 50 marketing qualified leads and more than 5 Stage One leads. It has outperformed Workday’s global assets in other markets by 15-25%.

The print version of the first issue of Smart CIO created conversation at Workday’s Elevate events. Other markers were interested in having editions translated into their native language, highlighting the popularity of the magazines.

Check out the inaugural edition of Workday’s Smart CIO newsletter here.