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Visa Anti-Phishing Tips

Client: Visa

Project Title: Anti-Phishing Tips


As a multinational global payments technology company, Visa is concerned about the safety and security of digital payments. With more people going online, the number of phishing attacks have risen. Besides email phishing, there has been a sharp increase in cases of phone-based, text message, and website phishing attacks.


To tackle the ever-growing threat of phishing, Visa wanted to share anti-phishing tips with its customers. Even though the Visa AP News Room included infographics on online shopping safety tips, a video centred on educating the public regarding phishing scams was a new concept that Visa wanted to explore.


Click2View was employed to create a motion graphics video on anti-phishing tips for them.  The video was to be posted on their LinkedIn and AP News Room.


The aim was to create a humorous and informative video, so we decided on the concept of a ‘phisherman’ who would give precautions viewers could take to avoid being caught by him.

Visa’s Canada team had created some infographics and GIFs on anti-phishing, which were posted on their social media. Using these materials as a reference, we edited the contents to suit our region and pieced together a motion graphics video.


The anti-phishing video was a massive success. First posted in English, it quickly gained over 303,000 views on YouTube within a month. The video has been translated to several languages for dissemination in Myanmar, Japan and Hong Kong as well.


Click2View also went on to make a motion graphics video on online shopping safety tips based on the infographics on Visa’s AP News Room. The English version similarly garnered over 300,000 views within a month, and it was also translated and disseminated to Myanmar, Japan and Korea.