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OFI JB Plant Video

Client: ofi

Project Title: OFI JB Plant Video


ofi is a global food ingredient manufacturer and supplier that operates at the forefront of consumer trends to provide food & beverage manufacturers with products and ingredients that will delight its customers’ consumers.


The client created a showcase video to commemorate the plant expansion project which started in early 2020 and was completed in 2022. They wanted to create awareness about the newly expanded production facilities and spread the word about the renovated Dairy Ingredient Excellence Centre (DIEC). 

Besides highlighting their increased capacity to meet evolving demands for dairy solutions, the video was aimed at reinforcing ofi’s commitment to meet its customers’ growing needs through the investment and expansion of their production facilities and innovation centres.

The C2V team pitched a particularly unique concept that was not only going to be a showcase of the expanded plant, but which would also adopt a storytelling approach to centrally feature ofi’s brand voice and perspective. 


The C2V team was initially tasked with producing a five to six minute video with a narrative arc that would complement the visuals detailing the upgrade in resources at the new plant.  Through this showcase of the specifics of the plant’s new production capabilities, state-of-the-art technology, and increased production capacities, the client also wanted to emphasise the plant’s strategic location, three kilometres from the Port of Johor. 

Account Director Praveen Jose and Executive Producer JD Chua led the project. Our team prioritised helping the client communicate essential aspects visually through voice, text, and creatively crafted cinematography. We explained that the video needed to showcase the plant’s comprehensive production process, while ensuring the narrative tied into ofi’s core business values.

Communication challenges were addressed by closely coordinating with multiple client stakeholders throughout pre-production and production stages. With the storyboard and concept thoroughly fleshed out during the pitching phase, both the C2V team and ofi were aligned from the start. This alignment facilitated a smooth and well mapped out production.

The video was shot over two days, with two days of surveying the filming locations done beforehand in early August 2023. The first recce was done at the pitching stage and was purely for conceptualisation purposes. It would help the C2V team understand the intricacies of ofi’s manufacturing process, and what their business was about. 

The second recce of the location was done in preparation for the shoot and more technical in nature as part of our pre production process. It focused on the intricacies of shooting in tight spaces, and covering ground in terms of area and the expansive factory floor in a timely manner. 

Nadia Carr, our field producer, highlighted the main challenge: coordinating plant operations to allow the video crew access for filming. To optimise the shoot, two teams were mobilised, a decision endorsed by the client. The pre-production work, including a detailed storyboard and paper edit, ensured a clear vision for the voiceover content and required shots, streamlining the post-production process. This made the post-production process very smooth.

During the storyboarding phase, the team already had a paper edit in place, Not just of the voiceover, but the text that would enunciate what the voice, key messages the video would highlight, but also the visuals, how the transitions would roll in from one scene to the other; all already worked through on paper in terms of a chunk of pre-production already done.


The video was screened at the grand opening of the expanded plant, where the Sultan of Johor was the guest of honour. The client was very satisfied with the final product, expressing gratitude to the C2V team for supporting them in the making of such an intricate and business critical video. 

Our thorough understanding of the client’s requirements came from seeing the plant first-hand during the recce for the pitching stage. Developing the concept and script meant that we would have the most holistic vision for the creative direction of the project, and ofi trusted us to deliver and project their voice where it mattered most to them due to our close understanding of the brand, storytelling prowess and our familiarity with their business from past projects we’ve collaborated on.