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Category: Uncategorized

The Year of the Webinar

Events are out of the question thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic, but you can still say what you want to say — with a webinar. You’ve probably heard the word “webinar” being thrown around a lot these days. In light of today’s quarantined world, this old technology is making a huge comeback — but with […]

April 22, 2020

Telling stories with data

Data storytelling is not a new practice, but it’s one that could be better understood. Our CEO, Simon, spoke to Domo’s Brent Dykes at RISE 2019 to find out more. Storytelling may seem at odds with the numbers-driven world of data. But they can work together to create a compelling yet informative story. Just look […]

April 9, 2020

Staying connected in a quarantined world, the webinar is reborn

It’s like we’ve come one full circle on this, but it’s better. Italians are getting creative dealing with the national lockdown but there have been some hiccups. This week, one priest livestreamed his sermon to quarantined parishioners while wearing a large neon space helmet. Not a real helmet mind you. He accidentally left his phone’s […]

March 26, 2020

Connect, connect, connect: communications in the time of COVID-19

As we grapple with communication strategies under the panic of COVID-19, the biggest question is how do you communicate in an unprecedented time such as this? Many are at home and crying out for information about COVID-19. The nature of a new virus is that there are no answers that can give us peace of […]

March 24, 2020

Podcast is growing

From small talk to mass market, podcasting is becoming mainstream People have been calling podcasting the next big thing for years. We can finally say they’re right. More than half of Americans have now listened to a podcast and about 1 in 4 are tuning in weekly. Let’s put these numbers in context. A single […]

March 16, 2020

How to Utilise LinkedIn Live for Your Content Marketing

Video and live streaming is now readily available to anyone with a smartphone and a story. Discover how LinkedIn Live can help you expand your content marketing reach. With the reach of COVID-19 growing everyday, expecting people to actually turn up to events is becoming increasingly complicated. It’s not just global pandemics causing a decline […]

March 6, 2020

COVID 19 impacts events – five suggestions

“Avoid crowded places and external venues,” is the advice. But what about pre-planned events? Do they go to waste? The novel coronavirus, nCoV-2019 / COVID-19, has caused a large number of events to be cancelled or postponed. This is unavoidable given the circumstances. Sharing some content online, either live streaming or pre-made, is one way […]

February 18, 2020

Juggling budgets and expectations

Any content marketer knows that when you have projects, you have expectations to meet and budgets to work within. We found ourselves in a very tricky situation once… Hi, I’m Kartini Deffahry, Production Manager at Click2view. Anyone in the content marketing or film making industry would know that budgets are really being stretched these days. […]

February 5, 2020

Social media won the internet, now it’s after retail

Shopping will only get better In 1994, a young entrepreneur named Dan Kohn sold a Sting CD over the Internet for $12.48, firing the first shot of an e-commerce revolution that’s still rocking the retail industry today. Last year, American brick-and-mortar retailers including Sears, Walgreens, Forever 21 and Gymboree closed more than 9,300 stores. Here […]

January 22, 2020

Click2View adopts Tripartite Standards

Ensuring our employee family gets the best We are proud to announce that Click2View has adopted the Tripartite Standards. What is the Tripartite Standards? The Tripartite Standards is an initiative that identifies and recognises employers who have implemented fair and progressive employment practices. Building a better workplace Adopting the Tripartite Standards is part of our commitment towards […]

January 8, 2020

Writing for mobile

This headline is likely the only thing you read… I have seconds to make you stick with this, and it’s not looking good. Two million stories were added to the Internet today and — nothing personal — but human brains are smaller than they were 20,000 years ago, so we’re not exactly keeping up as […]

January 2, 2020

Streaming multi-camera Switcher Studio into a Zoom meeting

A client asked us if it would be possible to stream an event in Hong Kong to their other regional locations. Initially we thought they’d meant YouTube Live or Facebook Live — no problem. We could easily set that up with Switcher Studio and a multi-camera smartphone set-up. But after several discussions, we learned that […]

December 10, 2019