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Why your website needs to have case studies

July 28, 2021

Having good customer testimonials are worth more than any brand ambassador.

Would you be willing to try something new like a product or service, when you don’t have access to reviews, or know anyone who’s had a good experience with it? Some of you may seem to be reluctant to say yes. And this is not without reason — what if the service or product does not deliver what it promises? 

90 per cent of people trust what a customer says about a business more than what that business says about itself, and this is why case studies and customers’ testimonials are popular marketing tools that businesses utilise.

With a single testimony, it can either elevate or ruin a business. Here are four reasons why testimonials matter for your business.

The benefits of a good case study

Builds trust and credibility 

Would you prefer to engage with a well-known business in the industry or a company that hardly anyone has ever heard of? Brand reputation matters. 

Having satisfied clients advocate on your behalf through testimonials and case studies will help cement your reputation. Three in four consumers say positive reviews and testimonials make them trust a business more. 

In many ways, these act as an assurance towards new customers that others have had pleasant experiences with your company — another reason for them to place their trust in you too.


We made this video case study for Autostore to showcase their solutions for client Davcor Group. The video tells the story from a business owner’s point of view, going through their decision process in a relatable way. Davcor were able to reduce electricity usage by 75 per cent while achieving their automation goals and reducing warehouse footprint. If you were a potential client, these are important proof points.

Demonstrates that your company’s solutions can solve pain points

For someone making a purchasing decision, testimonials are pieces of “evidence” that a business is actually able to live up to its claims. 

In particular, a case study can demonstrate exactly what your business did to help a customer solve a recurring problem. It’s a success story that details everything that happened in the process: identification of the pain point, your solution and the successful final outcome — complete with quotes from actual happy clients, of course.

One example is the Apple Watch Real Stories video. Featuring four different users, the video demonstrates how the Apple Watch lives up to the claims of its functions and has become an indispensable part of their lives.


A good case study can also compel potential clients to want to find out more about your business, which makes them good for top-funnel marketing. 

Increases conversions

As it turns out, case studies are also useful even as we near the bottom of the marketing funnel.

If we’re talking actual tangible results from sales, did you know that 58 per cent of customers are more likely to convert when they interact with a review? And conversion rates actually increase by 4.6 per cent when a product has at least 50 or more reviews. 

This shows the power of customers’ testimonials in influencing the purchasing decision. 

With 92 per cent of customers reading reviews before deciding to purchase an item or service, you might miss capturing a large portion of your customers during the final stages of the purchasing funnel if you don’t have credible case studies and testimonials to back up your offerings.

Showcases the benefits through a human angle

Humans are empathetic by nature; they want someone they can relate to or connect with. 

This is why emotional content can provide so much value to any brand’s marketing strategy. 

Through testimonials and case studies, such a goal can be achieved as well. They provide a human story angle on how the product or service is beneficial to someone, which helps other potential customers visualise and better understand how they themselves can also benefit. 

Don’t forget to tell a story. Which means you need a narrative arc. A case study success story is a three-act tale. It requires a challenge or a problem to be solved, act one. The solution and how it was achieved, act two. And finally the happy result, act three. 

We’ve helped Microsoft achieve this by creating long-form journalistic pieces on their content hub. These articles are part case study and part life story, and they demonstrate how Microsoft’s innovative technologies and inclusive practices have helped change lives for the better. 

Customer testimonials and case studies are essential to boosting your business reputation and are a useful content type you should definitely look into producing. 

Want to have the perfect case study crafted for your brand? Contact our CEO Simon Kearney at [email protected] today!

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Click2View is Southeast Asia’s premiere full-service independent B2B content marketing agency servicing clients like Microsoft, Google, Visa, Prudential, and the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy.